
Base code for the 7 challenges, make sure to unzip the downloaded folder. L298N driver instructions included

Arduiuno IDE is the platform used to edit the Arbot code

These instructions are an easy to follow Arbot tutorial

Educational resources

Our list of Educational resources is constantly growing. All the files below are free to use and non-commercial.
Any corrections or suggestions can be sent to
We hope the resources are easy to use for you!

Google drive folder
If you are unable to extract .zip or .rar files, click on the button above to go to the google drive folder where each document is seperate!

Student Workbook

this document is a 40 page free workbook following the syllabus outcomes. Any improvements or considerations would be appreciated to better the workbook

Download Workbook

NSW Syllabus Mapped Outcomes

All NSW syllabus checkpoints are covered and displayed in these documents. In addition to the document above, the unit-overviews are available to reduce workload. If you have any questions about these documents, feel free to contact us.

Download Mapped Outcomes

Arbot Box Cut Files and Instructions

This easy to construct box can be made from any 3mm thickness material. We recommend and use MDF. The Arbot can fit easily by placing head first into the box. (PVA glue is required for construction)

Download Files